Monday 3 September 2012

2 Tips For Making Your Email Newsletter Profitable

Do you know what an “email newsletter” is? It’s basically a medium in which to deliver good content and information. People subscribe to email newsletters because they want to learn how to do something, or how to solve a problem that they have. Your goal with your email newsletter should be to deliver only helpful information, and leave your link back to your website at the end of every email.

The name of my email newsletter is the “Internet Marketing Rules Newsletter”. I make it a point to add content and emails to my newsletter everyday. It doesn’t take long. I make it a point to keep my emails relatively short, because your emails shouldn’t be long and lengthy. Save that for when they visit your webpage.

There are some things that you will want to do if you want your newsletter to be a success. Here’s the first thing that you will want to do:

1) Develop original content

This is very important. The last thing you want to be known for is being a copycat. Besides, even if you acquired content from some other place, it won’t have any style, uniqueness, humor, or personality in it. It more than likely won’t fit with the theme of your newsletter.

You need good, original information. Without that, you’re limiting yourself. Even if you did happen to get borrowed content, how much of it could you use? In some niches, there isn’t alot of content that can be borrowed. In niches like this, you will need to create your own content. Here’s something that you will need to make your newsletter run smoothly.

2) An autoresponder

An autoresponder is an email program, software, or application that automatically sends out emails to your prospect and customer base. The autoresponder that I use is It’s easy to use, newbie friendly, has a good user interface, and they provide you with the tools to help you get sales.

I’ve been using Aweber for the past 5 years and I am thrilled with them. There are other autoresponders out there, but I like the way their system is set up. When you purchase your autoresponder, before you do any kind of marketing…. add at least 20 emails spread out 3 days apart. This is will give you content that will last for 2 months.

This way you can focus on other aspects of your business while your email marketing campaign runs by itself. Now obviously you will want to add more messages while you’re entire internet marketing campaign is up and running. You can make it a daily chore to add 1 new autoresponder message everyday.

No matter how you go about your email campaign, make sure it’s something that you get around to do it. It can free up your time so that you can spend more time with your family or on the golf course. So get to it today so that you can enjoy all the luxuries that an internet business can give you. 

Good luck with using these tips to make your email marketing campaign a success.

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